Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"Chasing Autumn"

This is my Summit channel 8 video!!  Thanks to Tyler Vitale and all his editing and filming time.  The video is pretty cool.  I am excited that people would think of it as interesting, as it is my passion.  I hope that this video inspires more racers in the future.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

OH SNAP!!!! Abasin is offically open !!!

To all of you out there standing in line for one run that is crowded and not very long....I salute you!  I would be there doing the same thing if I did not have to work.  The point of the matter is that, it's here, all the wonderfulness that comes with winter, snow, and riding!  I have a feeling in my bones that this year will produce exceptional snow, thus the powder days that were lacking last year, we will find in abundance this year!!!  Uller are you listening?!  To all at the basin, "Have a shredtastic day."

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Resume Video Snowboard Sponsership!

Let me know if you, "like" :)

2012-2013 Snowboard Race Schedule

Boarder Cross Noram Series/Nationals Schedule~

  • 11/14/2012 Noram Cup Series, Copper Mtn. 
  • 12/14/2012 Noram Cup Series, Staemboat Springs
  • 01/14/2013 Noram Cup Series, Copper Mtn 
  • 02/13/2013 Noram Cup Series, Killington, VT
  • 02/27/2013 Nationals Noram Series, Canyons, UT
  • 03/23/2012 Noram Cup Series, Mt Hood Meadows, OR
  • 04/01/2013 USASA Nationals, Copper Mtn. 

Free Ride Comps~

  •  03/01/2013 Salmon Extreme Free Ride Tour, Taos, NM
  •  03/31/2013 Weekend Warrior Free Ride Tour, WInterPark, CO

I might also do the Revolution Tour this will be based on my sponsorship, and whether or not I get the Level Playing Field Grant.  

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Shifting gears for the summer!

So when I'm not snowboarding I find it appropriate to maintain my adrenaline by firing up my CR 125 and ripping it up.  We went to Divide, CO to the 717 trailhead and rode some beautiful single track trials.  I have to stay fit somehow!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

2012 National Champion!

This year has been one of learning in my discipline.  I raced in a Pro circuit, USSA/REV tour, and I came back at the end to my grassroots and won with USASA.  I feel like I have made great strides this year with learning how to be a better BX~er, and not to let my mind/nerves take control.  It was a expensive season and I did get to travel the resorts of the USA.  It was fun to do, I have memories that are irreplacable and learned lessons that will carry on through my life forever.  Till next year.....it's time to get out the dirt bike:)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Westside represant in Michigan this weekend!  The Revolution Tour is hosted at Ostego Bay in the U.P.  I am very excited to test my skillz on some midwestern snow.  Hopefully the course is a little more forgiving than the last one at Copper USSA.  I hope it flows better:)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This is one sweet course, long too!  There are like 28 girls.  The competition is tight.  The begining of the course here will seperate the pack for sure, glad I practiced, Thanks, Stephen!  Can we say, "Wu~Tang".

Friday, January 6, 2012

TV Exposure!!

So my friend Tyler over at Summit Televison channel 8, is going to do a small documentary on me and my race season.  I did our first interview recently, it was fun.  I probably sound like a dork.  It's okay hopefully it will help me to get some sponserships for this expensive season of racing:)  I will keep everyone posted on when it will AIR...

First USASA race at Copper...

So next weekend is my first race at Copper.  Driving by Copper on the way to Vail I could see the piles of snow they are blowing to build the course.  Come out and cheer for me Sunday will be finals with qualifying on Saturday and practice on Friday.  I am very excited and I feel really ready!

No Snow, Let's go JIB it UP!!

This is my Friend and fellow racer Summer Werich ,she has a blog on Blogger as well..check it out!  

So here are my long awaited new LaMar decks!  I am so excited to see this years version of my Cranium I rode in all my comps last year.  It's just as mean looking, now hopefully it's even faster.  The other board they sent me is a Allure, it is a 157, and has a traditional camber, I'll give it a rip soon.  Hopefully I have my new race stick between the two of them...we'll see.  THANKS LAMAR!!!